Objective: The objective was to design and validate a tool for assessing nursing students’
self-perceptions about safe medication management. Methods: A descriptive instrumental study was
conducted involving construct definition, development of the tool, analysis of the content validity, and
psychometric evaluation. Consensus regarding the content was obtained through a two-round Delphi
process, and the resulting tool (the NURSPeM) was administered to nursing students to examine its
internal consistency, temporal stability, and construct validity, the latter through exploratory factor
analysis. Results: Thirteen experts participated in the Delphi process, which yielded a tool comprising
two questionnaires: (1) Self-perceptions about safe medication management (27 items) and (2) the
frequency and learning of drug-dose calculation (13 items). The tool’s psychometric properties were
then examined based on responses from 559 nursing students. This analysis led to the elimination
of three items from questionnaire 1, leaving a total of 24 items distributed across seven dimensions.
All 13 items in questionnaire 2 were retained. Both questionnaires showed good internal consistency