Introduction: Health professionals are asked to promote health, especially organ transplantation; however, they do not always have specific training.
Objective: To analyze information about donation and organ transplantation among Spanish medical students.
Method: The population under study is medical students in Spanish universities using the database of the International Donor Collaborative Project, stratified by geographic area and academic year (n = 9275). The instrument used is the attitude questionnaire for organ donation for "PCID-DTO-Ríos" transplantation, validated with an explained variance of 63.203% and α = 0.834. The Student t test was applied together with the χ2 test, complemented by an analysis of the remainders, and Fisher's exact test was applied.
Results: Of the students, 74% indicate that they have received information from university professors about organ transplant. Concerning specific issues with the donation, it is notable that only 66.7% (n = 6190) know and accept the concept of brain death as the death of a person. However, only 22% consider themselves as having good information, and 35.3% indicate that their information is scarce or void. Students indicate hav...