Background Acute anterior uveitis (AAU) is the most common form of uveitis. Most of them are idiopathic, followed by those related to rheumatic conditions. One third of AAU patients may present recurrences, some requiring systemic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). The use of DMARDs in AAU is heterogeneous.
Objectives To perform a systematic and critical review of the literature about the use of synthetic and biologic DMARDs in adult patients with AAU.
Methods Selection criteria: Articles including adult patients with non-infectious AU treated with synthetic or biologic DMARDs including efficacy, and/or safety or cost-effectivity data were selected. Only meta-analysis, systematic reviews, clinical trials and observational studies (OS) were included.
Search strategies for Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library databases up to 3–2016 were designed.
Article selection: 2 independent reviewers. Selected articles were analyzed in detail.
Quality asessment of the studies: Oxford scale and Jadad scale were used.
Analysis and data presentation: evidence and results tables.
Results 14 articles included, 2 RCTs and 12 OSs, with low or moderate quality. The mean duration/follo...