Objetivos: Conocer cuál de los dos abordajes quirúrgicos presenta menos complicaciones y mejores resultados post-quirúrgicos según las escalas descritas, para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Haglund: endoscópico o abierto.Material y métodos: Se consultaron las bases de datos Pubmed, Bucea, Enfispo y Dialnet, desde enero del 2003 hasta 2018, en español y en inglés, bajo los términos siguientes: “Haglund’s deformity”, “treatment Haglund”, “Haglund síndrome”, “Diagnostic Haglund”, "Haglund surgery”, “Calcaneal osteotomy”, “Haglund”.Resultados: Se incluyeron 33 artículos para la realización de este trabajo, de los cuales 13 eran estudios en los que se mostraba la comparación entre tratamiento quirúrgico abierto y endoscópico en sujetos con deformidad de Haglund. Se incluyeron 393 sujetos de los cuales se intervinieron 415 pies (161 por vía endoscópica y 187 mediante abordaje abierto). 58% de los sujetos tratados por endoscopia calificaron este tratamiento como excelente y las complicaciones reportadas, que fueron menores, sólo estuvieron presentes en 2 individuos, a diferencia de los tratados con cirugía abierta, donde 8 presentaron complicaciones menores y 5 complicaciones mayores.Conclusiones: ...
Objectives: To know which of the two surgical approaches is more effective and presents fewer complications for the treatment of Haglund's disease: endoscopic or open.Material and methods: The Pubmed, Bucea, Enfispo and Dialnet databases were consulted from January 2003 to 2018, in Spanish and English, under the following terms: "Haglund's deformity", "Haglund treatment", "Haglund syndrome", "Diagnostic Haglund", "Haglund surgery", "Calcaneal osteotomy", "Haglund".Results: Thirty-three articles were included for the realization of this work, of which thirteen were studies in which the comparison between open and endoscopic surgical treatment in subjects with Haglund deformity was shown. We included 393 subjects of whom 415 feet were operated (161 through endoscopy and 187 through open access). 58% of the subjects treated by endoscopy rated this treatment as excellent and reported complications, which were minor, were only present in 2 individuals, unlike those treated with open surgery, where 8 presented minor complications and 5 major complications.Conclusions: The endoscopic approach have a higher percentage of satisfaction as well as a lower rate of complications.