Background: The mobility of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (I MPTJ) has been related to the proper windlass mechanism and the triceps surae during the heel-off phase of running gait; the orthopedic treatment of the I MPTJ restriction has been made with typical Morton extension orthoses (TMEO). Nowadays it is unclear what effects TMEO or the novel inverted rocker orthoses (NIRO) have on the EMG activity of triceps surae during running. Objective: To compare the TMEO effects versus NIRO on EMG triceps surae on medialis and lateralis gastrocnemius activity during running. Study design: A cross-sectional pilot study. Methods: 21 healthy, recreational runners were enrolled in the present research (mean age 31.41 ± 4.33) to run on a treadmill at 9 km/h using aleatory NIRO of 6 mm, NIRO of 8 mm, TMEO of 6 mm, TMEO of 8 mm, and sports shoes only (SO), while the muscular EMG of medial and lateral gastrocnemius activity during 30 s was recorded. Statistical intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to test reliability was calculated and the Wilcoxon test of all five different situations were tested. Results: The reliability of values was almost perfect. Data showed that the gastrocnemius lateralis incr...