Nursing is an art and science based on knowledge of professional caring. As such, the examination of how students perceive care may improve the way this concept is taught and learnt in nursing.
To examine and describe the perception of caring among Spanish nursing students.
A cross-sectional design.From an initial population of 500 students, 321 volunteers participated in this study by completing the Caring Dimensions Inventory (CDI-25) during April 2014. Parametric tests were used to perform descriptive analyses of the dimensions of caring and the predominant factor; additionally, inferential (bivariate) analyses were performed of the dimensions of caring and of the predominant factor according to each of the independent variables. A logistic multinomial regression of the predominant psychosocial factor was calculated using the professional-technical factor as a reference, with adjustments for each of the covariates.
The two dimensions most identified by students in relation to caring were: Providing privacy for a patient (D23) and Listening to a patient (D13) whereas the least identified were: Putting the needs of a patient before your own (D19) and ...