Muchos pacientes ingresados en Medicina Interna presentan mala calidad de vida y/o mal pronóstico vital, por lo que son potenciales candidatos a limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico (LET). El objetivo primario consiste en describir qué medidas de LET se realizan en los pacientes fallecidos en un servicio de Medicina Interna de un hospital de Madrid. El secundario, la descripción del tipo de paciente en el que se realiza LET.
Material y métodos
Estudio observacional durante 6 meses de 2011 y 2012. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes fallecidos en Medicina Interna.
Ingresaron 2.007 pacientes y fallecieron 211 (10,5%). Edad media 85 ± 9 años, el 57% (121) mujeres. Peso medio de los fallecidos 3,4. Ciento tres de los fallecidos (48,8%) provenía de residencia y 105 (49,8%) fueron considerados enfermos terminales. En 182 (86,3%; IC 95%: 81,4-91,1) se estableció durante el ingreso alguna orden de LET, en 99 (46,9%; IC 95%: 39,9-53,9) 2, y en 31 (14,7%; IC 95%: 9,6-19,7) 3 o más. Órdenes de LET más pautadas: «orden de no reanimación cardiopulmonar (154; 73%), no realización de «maniobras agresivas» (80; 38%), rechazo de antibioterapia (19; 9%), no ingreso en UCI (18; 8,5%) y...
Many of the patients admitted to a general medical ward have a compromised quality of life, or short life expectancy, so they are potential candidates for withhold/withdraw (WH/WD) treatment. The first objectif was to describe which measures were WH/WD among patients who died during their admission in a general medical ward from a tertiary hospital in Madrid. Secondly, to define the clinical characteristics of this population.
Material and methods
A cross-sectional descriptive study during 6 months from 2011 and 2012 of all the patients dead while their admission in the Internal Medicine Department.
2007 patients were admitted, 211 died (10.5%). 121 (57%) were female, with 85 ± 9 years of mean age. 103 (48.8%) came from a residential facility and 105 fulfilled terminality criteria (49.8%). One decision to WH/WD treatment was made in 182 patients (86.3%, CI 95%: 81.4-91.1), two in 99 cases (46.9%, CI 95%: 39.9-53.9) and 3 or more in 31 subjects (14.7%, CI 95%: 9.6-19.7). The most frequent decisions involved do-not-resuscitate orders (154, 73.0%), rejection of «aggressive treatment measures» (80, 38.0%), use of antibiotics (19, 9.0%), admission in ICU (18, 8.5%), and/o...