Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (VLCADD) is a rare disorder of mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation characterized by a spectrum of clinical manifestations. Patients with the adult-onset form can present with muscle pain, rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria after physiological stress, such as fasting and exercise. We report on a 23-year-old female patient with a history of recurrent rhabdomyolysis. The patient completed a 6-month supervised combined (high-intensity interval training [HIIT] + resistance training) program, with the addition of a medium chain triglyceride + carbohydrate supplement provided 60 min before each session. The HIIT consisted of 6 sets of 70–80 s performed at maximum intensity with a minimum cadence of 100 rpm. Resistance training consisted of a circuit of basic exercises with dumbbells and elastic bands, with sets of 4–7 repetitions. The patient was evaluated at months 0, 3 and 6 using an incremental discontinuous step protocol, with steps of 1 min of exercise/1 min of passive recovery, at a high pedal cadence. The test started at 10 W, with a load increase of 10 W/step. Blood creatine kinase (CK) concentration was measured before each evaluation. There was ...