In the last few years, emergencies have brought about catastrophic casualties and property loss. After an
emergency, the emergency manager who is in charge of the rescue work has to identify an optimal rescue plan
from several alternatives. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an effective method for selecting an optimal
rescue plan to reduce the damages of emergencies. Usually, an emergency decision has three features: time
urgency, incomplete information and potential severe results. While it is difficult to provide the accurate
numerical evaluations with the incomplete information under limited time, the probabilistic linguistic term
set (PLTS) is introduced to represent the opinions of emergency decision making panel (EDMP) in this
paper. In this way, EDMP can provide suggestions with linguistic terms, and the manager can directly
collect qualitative opinions in a short time. In addition, fault tree analysis (FTA) is used to evaluate
the probabilities of potential severe results, and analysis network process (ANP) is adopted to derive the
weights of criteria that determining the damages of potential severe results. Then, we can quantify the
potential severe results of alternatives so...