Laparoscopic surgery made radical cystectomy and urinary diversion a less invasive procedure but still remains one of the most complex urological techniques, prone to high rate of complications. This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the accumulated experience to convert conventional five-port laparoscopic radical cystectomy plus 10–12-cm midline minilaparotomy for specimen retrieval into laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) radical cystectomy, pelvic lymphadenectomy, and permanent urinary diversion. Different approaches are presented. We describe in detail our experience with two-port approach using a reusable umbilical multichannel platform with curved instruments provided with double rotation system and an accessory 10-mm port placed in the right iliac fossa to overcome the current limitations of a pure single-port technique at a reasonable time and cost. Specimen extraction through the vagina in females makes unnecessary to extent the umbilical incision, and in candidates for ileal conduit, the accessory port is converted into the ileostomy orifice. If an orthotopic reservoir is preferred, the neobladder can be performed extracorporeally outside the umbilicus and, once completed, rein...