Summary: To reach a Spanish expert consensus on a treat-to-target strategy in osteoporosis, a Delphi Consensus Study has been developed. Most of the experts (59.8%) were rheumatologist with a mean clinical experience of 21.3 years (SD 8.5). Consensus was achieved for 70% of the items. Therapeutic objectives, patient follow-up scheme, treatment failure criteria, and appropriate treatment choice for use in T2T strategy in Spain have been defined.
Introduction: The paper aims to achieve a Spanish expert consensus on a treat-to-target (T2T) strategy in osteoporosis.
Methods: A scientific committee led the project and was involved in expert panel identification and Delphi questionnaire development. Two Delphi rounds were completed. The first-round questionnaire included 24 items and assessed, using a seven-point Likert scale, the experts’ wish (W) and prognosis (P) in 5 years for each topic (applicability, therapeutic objectives, patient follow-up, and possible treatment to be prescribed). Items for which there was no consensus in the first round were included in the second round. Consensus was defined as ≥75% agreement (somewhat/mostly/entirely agree) or disagreement (somewhat/mostly/entirely d...