To assess the relative clinical success of MiSight contact lenses (CLs) (study group) and distance single-vision (SV) spectacles (control group) in children in terms of adverse events (AEs), discontinuations, and tear film osmolarity over a 2-year period.
Seventy-four subjects aged 8 to 12 with myopia of −0.75 to −4.00 D and astigmatism less than 1.00 D were randomly assigned to MiSight CLs or SV groups. Subjects were monitored at 6-month intervals over the course of 24 months and advised to report to the clinic immediately should AEs occur. Adverse events were categorized as serious, significant, and nonsignificant. Discontinuation was defined as cessation of participation in the study.
Forty-four children were corrected with MiSight CLs and 33 with SV spectacles. No serious or significant AEs were found in any of the participants in either group. Two nonsignificant AEs were found in MiSight group, corresponding to a foreign body on the cornea in two children. There were five discontinuations in MiSight group, one because of change of residence and four because of unwillingness to use the CL. There were no discontinuations in SV group. Neither group showed any ...