Purpose: To analyze the variations in tear quantity and quality after
corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) in patients with keratoconus.
Methods: This is a prospective observational study of 24 eyes with
keratoconus that underwent epithelium-off CXL. The variables studied
were tear film osmolarity, subjective symptoms (Ocular Surface
Disease Index), tear breakup time, Schirmer test (SCH) score, tear
clearance, fluorescein staining, and lissamine green staining. Variables
were determined preoperatively and 3, 6, and 12 months after CXL.
Results: All the studied variables remained stable after 1-year followup
(no significant difference in comparison with baseline values;
Mann–Whitney U test). There was a positive paired correlation between
the SCH score and tear clearance at 3; 0.532 (P , 0.01), 6; 0.434 (P =
0.04), and 12 months; 0.675 (P , 0.01). There was no correlation
between the SCH score and tear breakup time, apart from a positive
correlation at 12 months; 0.601 (P = 0.05). A negative correlation was
found between osmolarity and the SCH score at 3; 20.589 (P , 0.01)
and 12 months; 20.049 (P = 0.04). The Ocular Surface Disease Index
did not correlate with any of the studied ...