Infections by the protozoan enteroparasites Giardia
duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp are a major cause of
morbidity in children attending day care facilities in developed
countries. In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to estimate the
occurrence and genotype frequencies of these pathogens in
children attending day care centers in Majadahonda, Central Spain.
To do so, single stool samples were obtained from 90 children
and tested for the presence of G duodenalis and Cryptosporidium
spp by conventional microscopy and immunochromatography.
Positive results by these techniques were subsequently confirmed
by immunofluorescence microscopy. G duodenalis-positive samples
were subjected to molecular characterization studies by multilocus
sequence-based genotyping of the glutamate dehydrogenase and
β-giardin genes of the parasite. G duodenalis assemblages were
confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses
and sequencing. A socioepidemiological questionnaire was used to
identify variables potentially associated with giardiasis/cryptosporidiosis
in the population of children under investigation.
Overall, G duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp were detected in
15.5% and ...