In the present work we discuss several sampling procedures commonly used for counting synapses in the cerebral cortex. We compare, within the same tissue, two frequently used sterereological methods for determining the numerical density of synapses per unit volume, using as an example the estimation of the number of types of synapses by layers in the neuropil of the adult human temporal neocortex. These two methods are a size–frequency method (formula NA/d) and the disector method (ΣQ–/a × h). Since the size–frequency method is assumption-based and the disector method is considered to be an unbiased method, the latter is often recommended for the quantification of synapses and other objects. We obtained, however, similar estimates for the numerical density of the different types of synapses using both methods, although they presented different technical difficulties and statistical properties. In addition, we show that the size–frequency method is more efficient and easier to apply than the disector method. Nevertheless, there are other methods for quantification which may also be valid, depending on the aim of the research; but the data reported in many articles are often complicated, which make...