El presente estudio se diseñó con el objetivo de reducir los niveles plasmáticos de citokinas proiflamatorias en adultos jóvenes con síndrome metabólico a través de un programa de ejercicio físico de 12 semanas. Participaron voluntariamente 60 adultos varones con síndrome metabólico de acuerdo a los criterios establecidos por National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-AT P-III). Se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en un grupo experimental (n=45) que desarrolló un programa de ejercicio de tipo aeróbico de 12 semanas, 3 sesiones/semana y una intensidad del 60-75% de su frecuencia cardiaca máxima. El grupo control (n=15) estaba ajustado en sexo, edad e índice de masa corporal aunque no desarrolló el programa de entrenamiento. Los niveles plasmáticos de factornecrosis- tumoral-α (TNF-α), Interleukina-1 (IL-1β) e Interleukina-6 (IL-6) se determinaron mediante ELISA. El porcentaje de masa grasa se determinó mediante bioimpedanciometría eléctrica. Ambos parámetros se valoraron 72-h antes de iniciar el programa de entrenamiento (pre-test) y 72-h después de su finalización (post-test). Éste protocolo fue aprobado por un Comité de Ética institucional. Cuando se comparan con valores ...
The present study was designed to determine the influence of regular exercise on proinflammatory biomarkers in young adults with metabolic syndrome. To get this goal, sixty young adult men with metabolic syndrome according to the criteria reported by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP-III) volunteered for this study. Fourty-five were randomly included in experimental group to perform a 12-week aerobic training program, 3 days/week, consisting of warm up (10 min), main part (20-35 min [increasing 5 minutes each three weeks]) at a work intensity of 60-75% of peak heart rate (increasing 5% each three weeks) and cool-down (10 min). Control group included 15 age, sex and BMI-matched men with metabolic syndrome that will not perform any training program. Our protocol was approved by an institutional ethic committee. Plasmatic cytokine levels (TumorNecrosis-Factor [TNF-α]; Interleukin-1 [IL-1β]; Interleukin-6 [IL-6]) were determined by ELISA twice: firstly 72-h before starting the program (pre-test) and finally 72-h after its ending (post-test). Fat mass percentage was determined by bioelectric-impendance method. When compared to baseline plasmatic cytokine le...