The correlation between the histopathologic
examination of pulp biopsy specimens and patients'
complaints and signs was investigated. The sensitivity,
specificity and reliability of each complaint and sign,
and the characteristics of pain that are associated
with treatable and untreatable pulp states is
proposed. Pulp specimens were obtained from teeth
that required endodontic treatment. Clinical data
were recorded to identify each patient's complaints.
The pulp specimens were processed and the
histopathologic diagnoses were categorised and
correlated with the patients' complaints. Of the
240 cases, I00 (4 I .7%) were diagnosed as atrophic
pulp or pulposis; 4 (I .7%) as acute pulpitis;
64 (26.7%) as transitional stage; 56 (23.3%) as
chronic pulpitis. and I6 (6.7%) as acute pulpitis
superimposed on a chronic pulpitis. Results showed
that previous pain (p < 0.05). spontaneous pain
(p < O.OI), and prolonged pain on cold stimuli
(p < 0.05). were significantly more frequent in the
patients with chronic pulpitis compared to those with
pulposis or transitional stage. We concluded that
clinicians must consider the sensitivity and specificity
of patient complaints and signs in order...