This article reflects on the new teaching university spaces, which are similar to the work areas of a creative company spac-‐ es that simultaneously stimulate students, professors, visitors, etc. They respond to the different needs of all these types
of users. These spaces are referred to as Neutral Spaces in this article.
In the area of education, the Bologna Plan's implementation has brought the academic context closer to the professional context. This change has required the players involved in these dynamics to develop skills and competencies that stimulate collaborative work, connectivity, creativity and an entrepreneurial outlook. Without doubt, it has also brought us closer to the needs of innovative companies and progressively to the need for teaching spaces, which are more akin to workspaces. The main focus is placed on the analysis of new educational spaces in universities and in the collaboration between univer-‐ sity and business, both are principal aspects in the investigation of the Steelcase Chair of educational spaces and facilities. Link the design activities in the European University of Madrid’s academic degree with the company Steelcase, to study the issue of neutral space...