Sustainable and renewable are certainly very
appreciated terms nowadays. These words may summarize a
whole new attitude towards our world and the people who
live in it. This paper’s goal is to define an original multicriteria
energy model, named SRIME, specially designed
for developing countries. First, an extensive research will be
carried out on: energy demand; potential renewable energy,
its current know-how and potential future development;
potential avoided emissions (CO2, NOX, SO2); and the
possible international support versus the in-country possibilities.
The precedence constraints will be applied to
establish in which degree renewable energy may be substituting
for the fossil fuel: the purely economic approach will
give way to a sustainable, renewable, development focused
energy planning. It must be noted that an innovative function
has been specifically included in the SRIME, which
evaluates, applying the precedence constraints, the influence
renewable energy may have on developing countries rural
health and education. Six functions have been established:
replaceable amount of fossil energy; CO2, NOX and SO2
avoidable emissions; rural health and education development...