Objectives: To describe the onset of a single port laparoendoscopic program to carry out oncology surgery in a Urology Service. We present the initial experience in the laboratory and in the Animal Facility with rigid precurved instruments and KeyPort reusable access element (Richard Wolf).
Materials and methods: Two surgeons experienced in laparoscopic surgery and with the help of four assistants performed a training program based on predetermined tasks performed in simulation boxes (pelvitrainer) and porcine model following the requirements of the Regional Community of Madrid to handle experimental animals.
Results: The participants in this program were initially divided into pairs made up of an experienced surgeon and assistant for the predetermined multiple tasks in simulator box in order to become familiarized with the instruments. Then, 20 animal sessions were conducted in which the following were performed: (retroperitoneal or pelvic) lymph node dissections (n = 20), nephrectomies (n = 40), cystorrhaphy with suture (n = 20) and uterine-vesical anastomosis (n = 20). Time needed to perform the exercises and the principal errors perceived during the performance of each one of the tasks were...