The postcard differs from the written letter in that it is not contained, it is itself franked and is a vehicle for both graphic and written information. Among its graphic contents, of interest is that which, being a postal instrument, exports the image of a landscape for commercial-advertising purposes, which in the long run has repercussions on the retina and returns as visits to that place, generating tourist income for those visits. From an image constructed pictorially or elaborated photographically, this instrument of export of the image arrives to our days adapted by the new technologies of communication. From an image accompanied by text, we have gone on to different digital manifestations that, for the most part, do not cease to delve into all the possibilities and nuances that the original postcard acquires. Currently, the Instagram app is probably the most powerful social network based on the consumption of images, and its extensive use of content includes those captures where the landscape itself becomes a product of consumption, export and even manipulation, and merchandise. Photos are taken with the same landscape in the background, stereotyping it, and potentially generating prof...