Introduction: Men who assault their partners present deficits in the social
skills necessary for adequate interpersonal interaction. Not all of them have
the same difficulties, thus they do not constitute a homogeneous group.
Various studies have proposed different typologies of abusers based on their
sociodemographic characteristics, criminal history, intensity and extent of
violent or psychopathological traits. The majority of these investigations have
been conducted in community samples, prompting the question of their validity
in samples of men convicted of gender violence. The aim of this study was to
establish a typology of men convicted in Spain for a gender violences crimes.
Methodology: A total of 365 men participated and were subdivided into three
classes of abusers based on their childhood, family experiences with violence,
criminal history, sexist attitudes and attitudes toward violence, intensity and type
of violence, psychopathological state and attachment style.
Results: Coinciding with the results found in other research, 30% of the
participants were classified as generally violent. They engaged in severe forms
of physical, psychological and sexual violence and were...