Summary: temporary mandibular molars in panoramic radiographs of pediatric patients with unilateral posterior crossbite (UPCB). This cross-sectional and retrospective study analyzed 114 orthopantomograms of patients between 6 - 9 years of age with unilateral posterior crossbite diagnosis. The first and second mandibular molars were analyzed. Their root resorption stage was typified, and the root lengths were measured; to later compare the data obtained depending on the malocclusion side. 86.4 % of molars showed a linear resorption pattern, and atypical resorption prevalence in patients with UPCB was 13.5 %. The total length average of the first molars on the side of the malocclusion was 8.20 mm, while the contralateral exhibited a mean of 9.29 mm. Lastly, the second molars had a mean length of 11.12 mm in crossbite side and 12.30 mm in the normal occlusion side. UPCB could affect physiological resorption by observing a resorption alteration in those mandibular molars located on the malocclusion side.