Pulp therapy in primary teeth is a challenge for a dentist, therefore, a better understanding of the anatomical characteristics of this tissue is essential to remedy these deficiencies. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological peculiarities of the root canals of extracted deciduous molars by Cone-Beam computed tomography (CBCT). As such, healthy molars without physiological resorption were collected and sanitized. After analyzing descriptive and inferential statistics, the results show that 56% of lower molar roots have a Weine’s type III canal configuration; the upper and lower second molars are significantly larger compared to the first, with a mean of 8.318 (±1.313) mm and 7.757 (±1.286) mm, respectively. Additionally, the palatine canals exhibited greater volume than the others, with a mean of 3.687 mm3. There are multiple discrepancies in the molars that have been studied in other investigations. The presence of a supernumerary root in the mandibular molars, a smaller dimension of the root canals and a more evident apical angulation are more obvious. The discovery of great anatomical versatility in the posterior dental group is an aspect applicable to root therapy.