Physiology is an integrative science that requires an understanding of the organism as a whole to acquire a deep comprehen-sion of its functions and avoid misconceptions that may impair further learning. Thus it is necessary to develop resources thatpromote the integrative vision that Physiology requires. Chronobiology is a challenging discipline and one of the least addressedconcepts in Physiology curricula. The activity here presented proposes a workshop with a theoretical-practical perspective in thecontext of the Neuroscience Conferences held annually at our university. All conference presentations are neuroscience-relatedtopics, in combination with practical activities, some of them analyzing variables of the students themselves. We chose to assessthis informal teaching scenario to involve the students with a scientific perspective while learning and hoping to increase theirappreciation for different topics related to neuroscience. Specifically for this activity on chronobiology, the evaluation was carriedout via a survey study including quantitative and qualitative questions and semistructured personal interviews. In general, theresults reveal a very positive opinion from students rega...