In 2007 the implementation of The “Plan Bolonia” began in Spain by the RD 861 /2010. Within the development of this program is the obtaining of the degree or master title. In each case, it is necessary to carry out a work throughout the last year of study on a specific topic at the end of the studies. Final degree project (TFG).
In the area of study of medicine, the idea of assigning TFG framed in the work of university basic research groups quickly emerged. Our research group joined the experience back in 2013 within The Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology of the University of Cádiz. Carrying out work related to lines of research in basic medicine.
We base this study on 22 students who carry out their TFG work within the research lines of the group from 2013 to 2020. We measured percentage of students who leave TFG work, Main problems exposing by the students during TFG development, average marks obtained, and percentage of TFG included in relevant scientific publications.