Background: Handball play is complex and multifactorial, characterized by high-intensity explosive movements. Due to the high physical demands of handball, players require highly developed anthropometric and physical qualities. The evaluation of body composition (BC) is a key issue, especially the body content of fat and skeletal muscle. Purpose: The aim of this systematic review is to determine the anthropometric and BC characteristics of handball players according to different characteristics such as age categories, playing position and gender. Search strategy: The search for articles for this study was carried out in three different databases, PubMed, SPORTDiscus (EBSCO) and Web of Science. Study selection: The inclusion criteria were; Studies recruiting male and female handball players at any age category and competitive level as participants, original investigations that present and compare anthropometric characteristics between handball players of different gender, competitive levels, playing positions, and/or age categories, and articles that present anthropometric characteristics as body weight, height, % fat mass, % muscle mass or % lean body mass, skinfolds and somatotype. Results: 486 ...