Hemodynamic tolerance of exercise with virtual reality performed during the first versus the second part of the hemodialysis session
García Testal, Alicia; García Maset, Rafael; Gil Gómez, José Antonio; Martínez Olmos, Francisco José; Valtueña Gimeno, Noemí; Ortega Pérez de Villar, Lucía; Ferrer Salva, Ana; Piñón Ruiz, Jocelyne; Karandysz, Katarzyna; Segura Ortí, Eva; Et al.
UNESCO Subject:Sistema cardiovascular UNESCO Subject:Tratamiento médico UNESCO Subject:Elección de tecnología
Type:conference output
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Background and Aims
It is recommended intradialysis exercise implementation in the first part of the HD session to avoid hemodynamic instability or cramping, but the time restriction to exercise worsens clinical feasibility of exercise as a routine. Exercise using non-immersive virtual reality is a novel rehabilitation method for patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. This method has shown in a pilot study improved physical function and health-related quality of life.
Objective: to determine effect of exercise with virtual reality during the first two hours and the last two hours of dialysis session on hemodynamic control.
The design was a randomized clinical trial. Patients were randomized to exercise in the first (Start group) or last two hours (End group) of dialysis session. Intradialysis exercise consisted of a video game adapted to dialysis: Treasure hunting. It is a non-immersive virtual reality game in which the patient must catch some objectives avoiding obstacles by moving the lower limbs. The exercise session lasted from 20 to 40 minutes. Intensity was checked through the rate of perceived exertion. Heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pre...