Rationale Only in Europe it can be estimated that more than 20 million of people would be affected by hypothyroidism in some
moment of their life. Given that ethanol consumption is so frequent, it would be reasonable to ask what the consequences of
ethanol consumption in those individuals affected by hypothyroidism are.
Objectives To study the interaction between hypothyroidism and ethanol consumption.
Methods We study ethanol consumption in a rat model of methyl-mercaptoimidazole-induced-adult-onset hypothyroidism and
thyroid T4/T3 hormone supplementation. Also, we studied the effects of ethanol on motor activity, memory, and anxiety.
Results We found that hypothyroidism increased the voluntary ethanol consumption and that this was enhanced by thyroid
hormone supplementation. Hypothyroidism was associated with motor hyperactivity which was prevented either by T4/T3
supplementation or ethanol. The relationship between hypothyroidism, ethanol, and anxiety was more complex. In an anxiogenic
context, hypothyroidism and T4/T3 supplementation would increase immobility, an anxiety-like behavior, while in a less
anxiogenic context would decrease rearing, a behavior related to anxiety. Regardin...