Purpose: To compare the accuracy of 11 intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formulas (SRK-T, Hoffer Q, Holladay I, Haigis, Holladay II, Olsen, Barrett Universal II, Hill-RBF, Ladas Super formula, EVO and Kane). Setting: Private university hospital (QuironSalud, Madrid, Spain). Design: Retrospective case series. Methods: Data were compiled from 481 eyes of 481 patients who had undergone uneventful cataract surgery with IOL insertion. Preoperative biometric measurements were made using an IOL Master® 700. Respective ULIB IOL constants (http://ocusoft.de/ulib/c1.htm) for each of 4 IOL models implanted were used to calculate the predictive refractive outcome for each formula. This was compared with the actual refractive outcome determined 3 months postoperatively. The primary outcome was mean absolute prediction error (MAE). The study sample was divided according to axial length (AL) into three groups of eyes: short (⩽22.00 mm), normal (22.00-25.00 mm) and long (⩾25.00 mm). Results: The Barrett Universal II and Haigis formulas yielded the lowest MAEs over the entire AL range (p < .01, except EVO) as well as in the long (p < .01, all formulas) and normal (p < .01, except Haigis, Holladay II, Olsen...