MT1-MMP/MMP14 belongs to a subgroup of the matrix metalloproteinases family that presents a transmembrane domain, with a cytosolic tail and the catalytic site exposed to the extracellular space. Deficient mice for this enzyme result in early postnatal death and display severe defects in skeletal, muscle and lung development. By using a transgenic line expressing the LacZ reporter under the control of the endogenous Mt1-mmp promoter, we reported a dynamic spatiotemporal expression pattern for Mt1-mmp from early embryonic to perinatal stages during ardiovascular development and brain formation. Thus, Mt1-mmp shows expression in the endocardium of the heart and the truncus arteriosus by E8.5, and is also strongly detected during vascular system development as well as in endothelial cells. In the brain, LacZ reporter expression was detected in the olfactory bulb, the rostral cerebral cortex and the caudal mesencephalic tectum. LacZ-positive cells were observed in neural progenitors of the spinal cord, neural crest cells and the intersomitic region. In the limb, Mt1-mmp expression was restricted to blood vessels, cartilage primordium and muscles. Detection of the enzyme was confirmed byWestern blot a...