Competency-based education requires a change not only in the learning process, but also in the assessment, towards a formative, continuous and participatory model.
We present here a set of changes introduced in the assessment system of the Biology subject in Dentistry, aimed at promoting its formative dimension and encouraging the participation of students through peer assessment. Furthermore, these implementations were retrospectively evaluated by the students. The object of the study was the oral group presentation, whose evaluation traditionally consisted of a single rubric that measured the final product. This activity was redesigned considering the learning process in its entirety and, although it continued to be graded with a single final grade, it implemented three tasks, each one associated with an assessment instrument: i) preparing an initial draft; ii) delivery of the final presentation material before the date of the presentation; iii) the final oral presentation. In addition, students participated in the process performing two peer assessment: a teamwork intra-group assessment and an inter-group assessment of the oral presentation.
Once the activity was finished, the students were ...