Background: Congenital cytomegalovirus infection (CMVc) affects 0.7%-6% of recent births. Among its clinical manifestations are low weight and length at birth.
Objective: Describe the growth patterns of children with CMVc in their early years.
Methods: Observational, multicenter study of patients with CMVc. Anthropometric data were collected during the first 2 years of life and compared with World Health Organization standards.
Results: Anthropometric characteristics of 383 children with CMVc were studied, of which 198 (51%) were symptomatic at birth. At birth, 9% were small for gestational age (SGA) in terms of their weight and length and 17% had microcephaly. At 24 ± 3 months, 10% had a weight and length ≤2 SD, and 13% a head circumference ≤2 SD. Of those who were SGA at birth, at 24 ± 3 months >20% remained at ≤2 SD of their weight and length. Conversely, 75% of children with low weight or length at 24 ± 3 had not been SGA at birth. 20% of infants with microcephaly at birth remained with microcephaly, and 10% of those without microcephaly developed it at 24 ± 3 months. The average growth rate in length and weight was normal. Patients who were symptomatic at birth, premature and with m...