FisioUpdate is a project developed by some Lecturers teaching in courses related with Physiology at Universidad Europea de Madrid. The aim of this project is to be updated in the most recent discoveries in Physiology, and to approach this knowledge to our students in class. Since its beginning, 5 years ago, the Lecturers have attended weekly meetings, presenting and discussing 3–4 papers in each session. To date, almost 15 teachers, from 2 different Departments and different professional backgrounds, have attended permanent or occasionally, these meetings. The articles analyzed (more than 170) have dealt with varied topics, such as skeletal muscle (types of fibers, satellite cells, fatigue, exercise adaptation, hyperemia…), membrane physiology (gas transport, ionic channels…), neuromuscular junction (proteins involved, medical therapies…), brown, beige and white adipose tissue (leptin, anorexigenic hormones..) The knowledge acquired from these meetings was included and applied in subjects related to Physiology in 1st and 2nd years of many Health Sciences Degrees, such as Medicine, Sports, Physical Therapy, Psychology… Additionally, every year we have included new tools for spreading the existence...