Understanding of the basic biochemical processes behind physiological events whilst relating them
to the fundamentals of anatomy is paramount for Health Science students. We are developing an
integrated cases module for pre-clinical years of all Health Sciences Degrees meeting the learning
objectives established for each pre-clinical year. We have also implemented a new methodology approach
based on the TBL methodology: workstation learning activity (WSLA), using clinical scenarios
as a thread. In a pilot experience with first year students at the Medical Bachelor’s Degree,
implementation of the module and the new design of integrated activities was evaluated through a
survey. 78% percent of the participants state that the WSLA sessions are more useful than the tradiwww.
fundacioneducacionmedica.org FEM 2017; 20 (Supl 2): S1-S75 S21
tional master class, whilst 82% percent confirm that the WSLA methodology effectively integrates
concepts covered by different subjects currently separated in the present curriculum. WSLA is feasible
and admits being performed with large groups of students and minimum number of instructors.