Physicochemical properties, consumer acceptance, antioxidant and angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activities of infusions and fermented beverages of Eucalyptus
camaldulensis and Litsea glaucescens were compared. Among physicochemical parameters,
only the pH of fermented beverages decreased compared with the unfermented
infusions. No relevant changes were reported in consumer preference between infusions
and fermented beverages. Phenolic profi le measured by UPLC MS/MS analysis demonstrated
signifi cant concentration changes of these compounds in plant infusions and fermented
beverages. Fermentation induced a decrease in the concentration required to stabilize 50 %
of DPPH radical (i.e. lower IC50). Additionally, it enhanced the antioxidant activity measured
by the nitric oxide scavenging assay (14 % of E. camaldulensis and 49 % of L. glaucescens);
whereas relevant improvements in the fermented beverage were not observed in the
lipid oxidation assay compared with unfermented infusions. The same behaviour was observed
in the inhibitory activity of ACE; however, both infusions and fermented beverages
had lower IC50 than positive control (captopril). The present study demon...