The aim of this study is to evaluate the recruitment possibilities of holly (Ilex aquifolium L.) populations under Pinussylvestris plantations in the mountains of Central Spain. Population recruitment of holly under P. sylvestris L. plantations was studied at two localities. We sampled holly seed rain, seed bank, and seedling emergence and survival (of both emerged and planted seedlings) in both localities. Seed germination was analysed by randomly sowing Ilex seeds and their subsequent recollection and analysis over the following 3 years (only in one locality). Seed rain, seed bank and emerged seedling densities did not differ between localities. Seed bank density was between 10 and 20 seeds m↑−2, considerably higher than the observed seed rain (0.4–1.2 seeds m↑−2), and also higher than the emerged seedling density (0–4 seedlings m↑−2). But Ilex is not very efficient in germinating under pine forests (29.1% germination after 3 years). This may indicate a seed accumulation process of at least 5 years. Seedling survival for the first year differed among the studied sites (50–60 vs. 17%). Nevertheless these survival rates are higher than those found for the same seedling populations in different fo...