The predominant alterations in voice of pa- tients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are phonatory instability, vocal asthenia and roughness, shortness of breath, hypo- phonia, and hypernasality. However, research on alterations of acoustic parameters has few studies and disparate results. The objective of this study was to investigate voice dis- turbances in patients with MS, both with objective measures (analysis of biomechanical) and subjective measures (scales and questionnaires). Methods: This is an experimental study with a total of 20 participants with MS. Voice samples were collected, and biomechanical correlates were analyzed through the Clinical Voice Systems program, Online Lab App. The VHI-30 (Voice Handicap Index) questionnaire, the GRBAS (grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, strain) scale, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were used as subjective measures. Results: Ninety-!ve percentages of participants feel and describe dysphonic dif!culties. Selfperception of vocal disability correlated with auditory vocal perceptual analysis in the sample of women. Conclusion: The biomechanical parameters showed alterations in the strength of the glottic closure, the ef!ciency index, a...