La evidente concienciación ambiental presente a día de
hoy, es producto directo del debate ecológico iniciado en
los años 60. Un inminente colapso de los recursos del
planeta incita a buscar una manera de preservar
artificialmente los moribundos ecosistemas terrestres
antes de que desaparezcan por completo. Como
respuesta, se toma de referente el modelo de cabina
espacial que venía desarrollándose años atrás, con unos
fines de supervivencia bastante similares. Así nace el
prototipo representativo de lo conocido como “ecología de
cabina”: la “cápsula ecosistémica”. Aunque este vehículo
salvavidas surge como proyecto para capturar trozos de
ecosistemas y salvaguardarlos en caso de un hipotético
cierre ecológico, su propósito nunca llega a materializarse
con un éxito considerable. Ejemplos reales construidos en
distintas ubicaciones y décadas, configuran una
importante genealogía de entornos naturales recreados
artificialmente dentro de contenedores mecanicistas. A
pesar de que son concebidos como conjuntos habitables,
la inexistencia de una relación de equilibrio entre máquina y
especies, acaba conduciéndolos a adoptar una morfología
de antihábitats ecosistémicos. Como resultad...
Today's environmental awareness is a direct product of
the ecological debate that began in the 1960's.
An imminent collapse of the planet's resources, prompts
the search for a way to artificially preserve the earth's
dying ecosystems before they completely disappear.
As a desperate measure, the space cabin model that had
been developed years before with quite similar survival
goals, is taken as a reference. Thus, the “ecosystem
capsule” is born like the representative prototype of what
is known as “cabin ecology”. This life-saving vehicle
emerges as a way to capture ecosystems pieces and
safeguard them in case of a hypothetical ecological
shutdown. Nevertheless, its purpose has never been
successfully fulfilled. Real examples built over the years in
different locations, make up an important genealogy of
natural environments artificially recreated inside
mechanistic containers. Initially, they are conceived as
habitable complexes. However, the lack of a balanced
relationship between machine and nature, turns out
producing only morphologies of ecosystemic anti-habitats.
As a result, these prototypes end up consuming
themselves, destroying the portion of nature they were